Saturday, September 26, 2009

DVD Review: Sicko

"Sicko" has been on my Netflix queue for a while, so I was pretty excited to see it, especially with all of the current debates about universal health care.  The issue of insurance and health care is an important one to me, as it is a huge issue in my own life.  I currently buy my insurance privately as an HMO, and thus far, it's been fine but if I were to fall ill (God forbid), I am not certain that I would fare successfully with health care.

"Sicko" takes a look at health care in the United States and compares it to other countries that have universal health care.  I know that Moore's films show the worst and best of everything/everyone, but I was pretty shocked at some of the stories of U.S. health care.  I feel a little less secure with my insurance after seeing the corrupt practices that are so common.  The mostly European health care systems shown look impressive and efficient, though I have heard otherwise.  Overall, this documentary helped me to better grasp the current debates regarding health care.  I also got a few laughs out of it and a new appreciation for Moore's boldness.  (I particularly love the bit where he puts the 9/11 rescue workers in a little boat and tries to get into Guantanamo Bay for care- priceless!) 

All in all, the U.S. healthcare situation is a MESS and needs a lot of reform.  It is time for us to treat the poorest among us with as much respect and dignity as the richest among us.  Whether that means universal health care or a different solution, we must act quickly and change the statistics. 

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