Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Cold Medicine High

I am just now coming down from a cold medicine high.  Yes, that is right, I was high on cold medicine.....at work.  It was all I could do to sit up straight in my chair for the last 3 hours.  I thought I was doing something wise when I picked up some new meds at Wal-Mart last night....who knew it would make me feel like this?  I felt like I was under gas at the dentist's office and giggly all at the same time.  Do you know how dangerous that is when you work in a tiny cube in a quiet office?  Lol.....I think I will save that medicine for home use only. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Seems I remember your sister having a wreck on some cold medicine. You girls must be sensitive to that stuff!
